Embrace the flexibility of a portable, virtual workspace

What is Cozy Desk?

Completely portable multi-monitor setup

Bring a complete workstation with you everywhere you go.

Requires little physical space

Working on a tiny table? Don't let that stop you from being productive.

Private and distraction-free

Work in crowded spaces without being distracted or having strangers look over your shoulder.

Limitless Possibilities


Multiple Monitors

Configure virtual monitors as you like. Choose between 1 giant display up to 5 separate floating displays.


Curved Displays

Have your monitors curve towards you so it's always easy to read with no distortion.


Vertical Displays

Fit more code on screen at once with vertical displays. Combine with wide displays for optimal space usage.


Custom Layouts

Design your own layouts that work perfectly with the apps you use, or even harmonize with your physical space.

Download Now

Cozy Desk is currently available for macOS with supported AR glasses.

Supported Operating Systems
  • macOS 12+
Supported AR Glasses
  • xReal Air

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Cozy Desk be ready?

Cozy Desk is currently scheduled to reach version 1.0 in Q1 2024. At that time, it will be available for general purchase. There are also updates and new features which are planned to be released after the initial version. These new features will be available as a free app update.

What new features will you be adding to Cozy Desk?

Please read the Roadmap for full details. After the initial release of Cozy Desk, several additional features will be released as free app updates. Some of the currently planned features include:

  • Create a virtual surface for a single window, without setting up a virtual monitor.
  • Create HUD surfaces, which follow the movement of your head.
  • Virtual scenery (e.g. stars).

There is no particular timeline for the release of these features, and it may not be possible to implement some or all of these, so if one of these features is absolutely necessary to you, please don't purchase Cozy Desk until the feature is ready.

Will you add support for other AR/VR glasses?

If your glasses have hardware support for head tracking and present a USB monitor, it should be possible to add support for them to Cozy Desk.

Headsets like Oculus that can't be plugged directly in as a monitor work in a fundamentally different way, and these are not currently planned to be supported by Cozy Desk.

Will you add support for other operating systems (Windows, Linux)?

Presently, Cozy Desk only works with macOS. There are currently no plans to add support for other operating systems.